Spell Checking in Xcode 11

Xcode 11 finally adds the long-awaited support for spell checking. Basically, everything inside your source editor can be spell checked: names of variables, methods and classes; string literals (including your localizable strings); comments. It works natively, without any extensions and third-parties.

Here is how to use spell checking with Xcode 11:

1. “⌘ + ;” to find next misspelled word. Works for code, strings and comments:

How to Spell Check you Swift code with Xcode 11

2. “⌘ + :” to show spelling editor with corrections.:

How to Spell Check you Swift code with Xcode 11

3. Always-enabled mode: from the menu open Edit > Format > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing.

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Vadim Bulavin

Creator of Yet Another Swift Blog. Coding for fun since 2008, for food since 2012.
