The Advanced Guide to UserDefaults in Swift

UserDefaults has been around in iOS SDK for as long as anyone can recall. The Swift language evolves quickly, bringing new features into the play and changing the ways we used to work with the existing ones. The introduction of property wrappers in Swift 5 offers a great opportunity to revisit the conventional approach to UserDefaults and freshen the fundamentals along the way.

In this article we’ll cover:

  • What is UserDefaults?
  • What kind of data should we save to UserDefaults?
  • How UserDefaults is implemented internally?
  • Design type-safe key-value storage, based on UserDefaults and Swift property wrappers.
  • Observe UserDefaults value changes.

UserDefaults Overview

UserDefaults manages the persistent storage of key-value pairs in a .plist file.

UserDefaults storage is limited to the so-called property-list data types [1]: Data, String, Date, Bool, Int, Double, Float, Array, Dictionary and URL (the only non-property-list-type). It is also possible to store arbitrary objects by encoding them into a Data object first.

Here is the full list of supported types from the UserDefaults source code: common Swift types, uncommon Swift types, NS- / CF- bridging types, plus NSNumber (non-bridging, but still supported).

There is no hard limit on the size of data that we can store to UserDefaults, except for the 1MB on tvOS.

Nonetheless, it is not recommended to store large chunks of data, because reads and writes become more expensive the more data UserDefaults contains. The reason for that is that the defaults use a single .plist file per domain (and typically per app), which becomes bloated if we store big chunks of data there.

It is also not recommended to store custom objects for the following reasons:

  • Arbitrary data types must be archived and unarchived to and from Data, which is expensive.
  • Arbitrary data types will likely become incompatible with newer versions of your app.

According to Apple, the best approach to UserDefaults is to store user preferences and app configuration as simple values [1], [2].

UserDefaults Internal Structure

Let’s dig into swift-corelibs-foundation to find out how UserDefaults works behind the scenes.

UserDefaults saves data on a per-domain basis. This means that each domain has a corresponding .plist file, where the associated data is persisted.

Domain is just a plain string. If you peek into UserDefaults internals, you’ll discover that it’s also called suite. Both names refer to the same concept, so we’ll continue calling it domain.

By default, every app has 8 domains, which are organized into the so-called search list. The search list is initialized when we read or write values for the first time. We are free to add more domains if we want more granular control over UserDefaults storage.

The domains from the search list are merged into a single dictionary, which is an expensive operation. The dictionary is re-computed each time the value is added, updated or removed from the user defaults. This gives us another insight about the user defaults performance:

UserDefaults performs best when the writes are rare and reads are frequent.

When we set a value to UserDefaults, it calls _CFApplicationPreferencesSet from CFApplicationPreferences.c, which is a bunch of scary C code with some comments dated 1999. CFApplicationPreferences manages the dictionary representation of user defaults across all registered domains with some caching involved.

The app preferences delegate per-domain work to CFPreferences.c. It reads and writes XML files to the disk and does the caching.

UserDefaults has two levels of caching: the domain level and the app level.

Implementing Key-Value Storage

Now that we know what is UserDefaults, let’s do some actual work and implement key-value storage, based on UserDefaults and property wrappers.

The current section requires basic understanding of property wrappers. I recommend reading The Complete Guide to Property Wrappers in Swift 5 to get yourself up to speed.

First, let’s implement a wrapper, which saves and loads values to and from UserDefaults:

struct UserDefault<T: PropertyListValue> {
    let key: Key

    var wrappedValue: T? {
        get { UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: key.rawValue) as? T }
        set { UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: key.rawValue) }

Notice that we are constraining T to be of PropertyListValue type. It is the marker protocol for all property-list data types:

This code is inspired by the UserDefault implementation from Burritos.

// The marker protocol
protocol PropertyListValue {}

extension Data: PropertyListValue {}
extension String: PropertyListValue {}
extension Date: PropertyListValue {}
extension Bool: PropertyListValue {}
extension Int: PropertyListValue {}
extension Double: PropertyListValue {}
extension Float: PropertyListValue {}

// Every element must be a property-list type
extension Array: PropertyListValue where Element: PropertyListValue {}
extension Dictionary: PropertyListValue where Key == String, Value: PropertyListValue {}

The UserDefault wrapper uses statically typed keys, declared as follows:

struct Key: RawRepresentable {
    let rawValue: String

extension Key: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
    init(stringLiteral: String) {
        rawValue = stringLiteral

The new keys can be conveniently declared in an extension:

extension Key {
    static let isFirstLaunch: Key = "isFirstLaunch"

Storage is a thin abstraction layer on top of UserDefaults:

struct Storage {
    @UserDefault(key: .isFirstLaunch)
    var isFirstLaunch: Bool?

We can use Storage as follows:

var storage = Storage()

storage.isFirstLaunch = true
print(storage.isFirstLaunch) // true

Observing UserDefaults Value Changes

Since UserDefaults typically represent system-wide preferences, it’s common to respond to their changes from different parts of your app. In this section let’s extend the UserDefault property wrapper to allow observation of value changes.

We begin by implementing DefaultsObservation, which listens to UserDefaults changes via KVO:

class DefaultsObservation: NSObject {
    let key: Key
    private var onChange: (Any, Any) -> Void

    // 1
    init(key: Key, onChange: @escaping (Any, Any) -> Void) {
        self.onChange = onChange
        self.key = key
        UserDefaults.standard.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: key.rawValue, options: [.old, .new], context: nil)
    // 2
    override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey: Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
        guard let change = change, object != nil, keyPath == key.rawValue else { return }
        onChange(change[.oldKey] as Any, change[.newKey] as Any)
    // 3
    deinit {
        UserDefaults.standard.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: key.rawValue, context: nil)
  1. The observation accepts a type-safe Key and an onChange callback. It eagerly begins listening to the UserDefaults value changes, specified by the key.
  2. The observeValue() method is called by the KVO system automatically, when the value, specified by the key, is changed. The method accepts a change dictionary, from where we extract the old and new values and pass them to the onChange callback.
  3. Unsubscribe from KVO when the observation is deallocated.

We add the new method observe() to the property wrapper, which returns an instance of observation. To be able to call it from the outside of Storage, we expose the wrapper type itself via the projectedValue:

struct UserDefault<T: PropertyListValue> {
    var projectedValue: UserDefault<T> { return self }
    func observe(change: @escaping (T?, T?) -> Void) -> NSObject {
        return DefaultsObservation(key: key) { old, new in
            change(old as? T, new as? T)

    // The rest of the code is unchanged

Now we can subscribe to UserDefaults changes like this:

var storage = Storage()

var observation = storage.$isFirstLaunch.observe { old, new in
    print("Changed from: \(old) to \(new)")

storage.isFirstLaunch = true

It will print:

Changed from: Optional(false) to Optional(true)
Changed from: Optional(true) to Optional(false)

Source Code

You can find the final project here. It is published under the “Unlicense”, which allows you to do whatever you want with it.


Here are the key things to remember about UserDefaults:

  • UserDefaults is built around dictionaries and .plist files.
  • UserDefaults is best suited for small subsets of data and simple data types.
  • UserDefaults performs best when the writes are rare and the reads are frequent.

Swift 5 is the game-changer for UserDefaults. With the help of property wrappers, we’ve designed type-safe key-value storage, which allows us to observe value changes.

Thanks for reading!

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Vadim Bulavin

Creator of Yet Another Swift Blog. Coding for fun since 2008, for food since 2012.
