Dynamic Code Injection in Swift

What is Code Injection in Swift

Dynamic code injection allows to insert custom pieces of code to arbitrary methods non-intrusively. In some cases it can be considered as an alternative to inheritance, where a common behavior is extracted to a superclass, but reusable and nonintrusive.

Problem Statement

First, lets define a problem area that can be addressed by code injection. I bet the code snippet below seem familiar to you.

override func viewDidLoad() {

    Logger.log("Screen XXX opened")

Analytics and logging are integral part of many iOS apps. The common solution to these tasks is to write singletones and call them from the view controller life cycle methods.

Aside from the problem of unit testing singletones, the the issue with this approach is that boilerplate code repeats again and again, crawling in different view controllers, increasing overall complexity of your code, making it less reusable, more rigid and fragile. Each time you make a change in your view controller code, you have a chance of breaking analytics and logging features in your Swift app.

By means of dynamic code injection, the duplicated code can be extracted from all view controllers and generalized in a single place. Before we dive into the implementation, let’s learn some theory.

Theoretical Background

Swift code injection is a variation of the method swizzling technique. It is based on Objective-C runtime which is a library that provides support for the dynamic properties of the Objective-C language. Even pure Swift app is executed inside the Objective-C runtime, providing not only Swift & Objective-C interoperatiblity, but a number of runtime features that allow us write dynamic code even in such statically typed language as Swift.

Message Dispatch

In Objective-C instead of calling a method on object instances, one sends a message to an object. Each class and object in Objective-C includes these two essential elements:

  • A pointer to the superclass.
  • A class dispatch table. This table is a message-to-method map for the type.

Upon message being received, the compiler looks up the corresponding method in the dispatch table and then invokes the method. This variation of dynamic dispatch is called message dispatch.

Code injection as well as method swizzling is based on the message dispatch explained above. This paves the way for changing a dispatch table at app execution time and inject custom code to the methods associated with it by means of the runtime library.

Implementing Dynamic Code Injection

After learning about message dispatch and Objective-C runtime, let’s write the code.

The below snippet defines a ViewDidLoadInjector that inserts a custom closure to all viewDidLoad methods for a given view controller types.

import ObjectiveC.runtime
import UIKit

class ViewDidLoadInjector {

    typealias ViewDidLoadRef = @convention(c)(UIViewController, Selector) -> Void

    private static let viewDidLoadSelector = #selector(UIViewController.viewDidLoad)

    static func inject(into supportedClasses: [UIViewController.Type], injection: @escaping (UIViewController) -> Void) {
        guard let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(UIViewController.self, viewDidLoadSelector) else {
            fatalError("\(viewDidLoadSelector) must be implemented")

        var originalIMP: IMP? = nil

        let swizzledViewDidLoadBlock: @convention(block) (UIViewController) -> Void = { receiver in
            if let originalIMP = originalIMP {
                let castedIMP = unsafeBitCast(originalIMP, to: ViewDidLoadRef.self)
                castedIMP(receiver, viewDidLoadSelector)

            if ViewDidLoadInjector.canInject(to: receiver, supportedClasses: supportedClasses) {

        let swizzledIMP = imp_implementationWithBlock(unsafeBitCast(swizzledViewDidLoadBlock, to: AnyObject.self))
        originalIMP = method_setImplementation(originalMethod, swizzledIMP)

    private static func canInject(to receiver: Any, supportedClasses: [UIViewController.Type]) -> Bool {
        let supportedClassesIDs = supportedClasses.map { ObjectIdentifier($0) }
        let receiverType = type(of: receiver)
        return supportedClassesIDs.contains(ObjectIdentifier(receiverType))

Now lets do the actual injection. Note that we are passing InjectedViewController type, so it will work only for its instances:

class InjectedViewController: UIViewController {}

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        ViewDidLoadInjector.inject(into: [InjectedViewController.self]) { print("Injected to \($0)") }
        return true

Each time viewDidLoad method is called on any InjectedViewController instance, a message will be printed:

Injected to <__lldb_expr_13.InjectedViewController: 0x7fc25d400020>

Any other view controller types can be passed to the injector. And, of course, instead of printing to console, we might have added analytics, logging or any other features.


The biggest limitation is that this code cannot be closed against changes of the method it is being injected to. In other words, if you need to do the similar for the viewWillAppear method, you will have to duplicate the most of the code from ViewDidLoadInjector.

Source Code

Full source code can be found here. Download it to make some tweaks and see how it plays in action.

Wrapping Up

Swift code injection is a variation of method swizzling, allowing to non-intrusively plug in common behavior to hierarchies of classes without changing a line of their code. It comes not without the limitations, which must be evaluated in context of your current project.

Thanks for reading!

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Vadim Bulavin

Creator of Yet Another Swift Blog. Coding for fun since 2008, for food since 2012.
